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Formation of Thailand Contracts

Thailand contracts

The basic principles of Thailand contract law are mostly similar to contract law in Western jurisdictions. The main body of law controlling Thailand contracts interpretation is the Thai Civil & Commercial Code (TCCC). However, there is often specialized areas of legislation that may affect business agreements in Thailand. The basic principles of contract formation are controlled by TCCC Book I. The following are specific types of Thailand contracts controlled by TCCC Book III: Sale Hire … [Read more...]

Thailand Trademarks Registration

Thailand Trademarks

Trademark in Thailand is administered by the Department of Intellectual Property in the Thai Ministry of Commerce. Thailand trademark classification Thailand does not follow the NICE system of trademark classification.Thailand uses its own system to classify Goods and Services. There are currently 45 different classes of goods in services under Thai classification. A trademark intended for multiple used will require separate registration application for each class. Thailand trademark … [Read more...]

Thai FDA Registration

Thailand FDA Registration

Importing pharmaceuticals, food, food supplements, products for animal health, or other medical, narcotic and toxic substances into Thailand requires registration with the Food and Drug Administration of Thailand (FDA).  The time required for filing product registration application and receiving registration certificates with the FDA can vary widely. Approximate times are as follows: cosmetics one week, general medical devices and toxic substances from one month to four months, Food products … [Read more...]

Thailand Corporate Secretarial Services

Thailand Corporate Secretarial Services

Companies operating in Thailand often undergo changes with regard to business’ legal structure such as change of shareholders, change of directors, changing business details for corporation tax or the need to increase business capital. Changing business’ legal structure normally requires documents be executed and filed with the appropriate Thai government ministries pursuant to Thai law. A Thailand law firm specializing in Thailand company registration that also provides accounting and … [Read more...]