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New Rates Approved, Thailand Property Taxes ‘Imminent’

The Thai cabinet is expected to review has passed the draft property taxes bill, with new tax rates and a widened tax exemption ceiling proposed by the Finance Ministry, this month, reports the Bangkok Post. Under the new proposal, properties would be taxed 0.1 percent (residential), 0.05 percent (agricultural), 0.2 percent (commercial), and 0.5 percent (vacant). The Thailand real estate lawyers at Chaninat and Leeds have specialized in assisting Thai and international clients with real … [Read more...]

Thailand Property Taxes and Transfer Fees

Ownership transfer fees and taxes split on a private sale depend on the agreement between the seller and the buyer in a Thailand land law property transaction. Foreigners looking to purchase a property in Thailand may need to clearly confirm in a contract with the seller in a private sale transaction of who will shoulder for transfer fees and all taxes and/or what percentage. In practice, private sales in Thailand generally divide the amount of taxes and fees involved with the transfer of … [Read more...]

Registering a Non-Government Organization or NGO in Thailand

Registering a Non-Government Organization (NGO) in Thailand

NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) operate in Thailand in a variety of areas. Many NGOs operate in the border areas or impoverished areas of Thailand, providing educational, medical, charitable or other services. Other NGOs focus on economic or community development. Foreign workers and volunteers, along with the NGOs themselves are subject to Thai law and must obtain licenses and permits to operate legally in Thailand. Thailand law does not use the term “Non-Government Organization” or … [Read more...]

Thailand Work Permit

work permit

Non-Thai nationals who wish to work or conduct a business in Thailand are required to obtain a non-immigrant visa (NON-B visa) that will grant a foreigner permission to stay in Thailand for a period of time as well as a work permit that would allow work in Thailand. A common misconception is that a Non-B visa alone authorizes the visa holder to lawfully engage in work in Thailand. A Non-B visa is a pre-requisite to obtaining a Thailand work permit that will grant a foreigner permission to work … [Read more...]