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Thailand Work Permit

work permit

Non-Thai nationals who wish to work or conduct a business in Thailand are required to obtain a non-immigrant visa (NON-B visa) that will grant a foreigner permission to stay in Thailand for a period of time as well as a work permit that would allow work in Thailand. A common misconception is that a Non-B visa alone authorizes the visa holder to lawfully engage in work in Thailand. A Non-B visa is a pre-requisite to obtaining a Thailand work permit that will grant a foreigner permission to work … [Read more...]

Registering a Thailand Amity Treaty Company

Thailand Real Estate Law Center

The Treaty of Amity is a treaty between the United States and Thailand that commemorates the historical relationship between Thailand and the USA. The treaty is intended to promote trade, commerce, cultural understanding between the two States and also provide for special legal rights for the citizens of each nation. The US- Thai Amity Treaty provides US citizens special rights to run businesses in Thailand and also provides Thai citizens special privileges to run businesses in the USA. The … [Read more...]

Applying for Thailand Board Of Investment (BOI) Promotion

Thailand BOI

The Thailand Board of Investments (BOI) is responsible for implementing Thai government policy for promoting certain business deemed beneficial to the Thai economy. Thai BOI assists Thais and foreign investors to start and conduct businesses in desirable areas of economic activities by offering a system of incentives. Thailand BOI Incentives The Thailand BOI incentives are classified into the following types: Tax Incentives  A BOI promoted company in Thailand may be eligible to receive an … [Read more...]

Thailand Tax and Accounting Regulations

Thailand Tax and Accounting-L3

Starting and maintaining  a business in Thailand requires proper book-keeping and compliance with Thailand’s tax, accounting and other regulatory laws as specified in the Civil and Commercial Code, Public Limited Company Act, Revenue Code, Accounting Act and other related laws. Thailand tax The type of business in Thailand will affect tax rates and tax benefits according to the rules and regulations prescribed in the Thai Revenue Code. Foreign companies in Thailand have special tax … [Read more...]